After a year when the world seemed to fall apart, IAG turned to bgb to deliver a captivating experience that reminded 500 leaders of the importance of their work, delivered one of the hardest-to-get speakers in the country, and set delegates up to face the years ahead with enthusiasm and courage.

Since 2007, IAG and its various divisions have partnered with the bgb team to create and produce their annual frontline leaders conference. 2013 was a particularly tough year for any insurer – a year of seemingly endless natural disasters. IAG asked bgb to come up with a particularly fresh, creative and motivational approach to empower their leaders and enable them to inspire their team members. With a Company Vision of being Australia’s Favourite Local Insurer, we needed to deliver an approach that could remind delegates of the importance of their work and re-invigorate their positivity about the future.

A provocative yet inspirational vision of the future

We designed an experience that would provide bursts of positive and provocative energy and inspiration throughout the conference, so that each business meeting that followed would be engaging and highly productive. We incorporated ground-breaking technology, including “beaming in” guest speakers as interactive holographs that seemed to grow out of the stage floor. (You can ask us how we did it when you meet us.) With a central theme of optimism about the future, we took our 500 delegates on a stimulating journey through a series of cleverly connected experiences. The experiences included an expert panel facilitated by the renowned journalist Ellen Fanning; a Future Room profiling future scenarios and their impact on customers and IAG; and a full theatrical experience themed around team-building. The day finished with a coup for IAG – we convinced Andrew Denton to make his first corporate appearance in 20 years. He delivered a special closing address, bringing the house down with his humour, honesty and poignancy.

The day finished with a coup – we convinced Andrew Denton to make his first corporate appearance in 20 years.

Experiences that spark productive conversations and build loyalty

The conference was structured to raise the energy in the room and spark productive conversations – a goal it delivered in spades. The conference’s focus on courage, resilience, integrity and rising to the challenge helped the delegates remember the importance of their role within IAG and empowered them with fresh new self-care and people management skills. It played a vital role in raising morale and setting the tone for the year that followed.